Time Reporting
Improve tied-up capital with Copernicus Project Time Reporting, now with an app for Smartphones.
Copernicus Project Time Reporting increases your organization’s accessibility to report time. This offers the possibility to follow up your operation faster. If your organization works with external projects you can also create the possibility of invoicing your customer’s sooner, which improves the tied-up capital.
Copernicus Project Time Reporting is offered with four different interfaces for time reporting.
- Smartphone with iOS or Android
- Weekly Time Report
- The Palette
- Day Time Report

For simple and easy time reporting you can advantageously use the Weekly Time Report.
As an alternative to the Weekly Time Report you can use The Palette. The Palette has an Excel-like interface. With its multi-functionality the time report is especially suitable for users who with the same during a specific period.
If your organization works with project planning, there is even a special time report called the Day Time Report. In the Day Time Report the user sees the estimated time but can also, besides reporting time, even report the estimated remaining work.
All three of the time reports are weekly based. Your organization can choose to work with all three time reports or just one of them.
The time is suitably filled in every day. Validation takes place in connection with time reporting, which minimizes mistakes. The user chooses when the time report shall be sent in.
Copernicus Project Time Reporting is developed to be used for full-time reporting, which includes attendance as well as absence. The resource’s working time is guided with a personal schedule. There is also the possibility of handling templates for the schedule copied to co-workers. Time Reporting can handle flexitime as well as overtime and additional time.
Copernicus Project Time Reporting can be connected to your organization’s payroll system for transferring of absence, overtime, and time worked (see Copernicus Project Connect).
Copernicus Project Time Reporting is supplied with an authorization function for line managers. From the authorization view it is possible to return incorrect rows. Co-workers then revise the rows and resend them. It is possible to set up what time is to be authorized by the line managers (for example all of the time or only internal time and absence/overtime). Copernicus Project Time reporting is also supplied with an authorization function for project managers. It is possible to set up which project the project manager authorization shall apply to. Even this authorization view contains the function for returning incorrect rows.
Copernicus Project Time Reporting contains functions for the handling of missing time, partially in the form of reminders when logging in and partially in the form of automatic reminder mail. For line managers there is even a report for missing time.