Project Planning
Project Planning for the entire enterprise
Easier planning and estimating of your project. This function provides earlier ‘early warnings’, improved quality, and raises the project’s results.
Project Models
With the Model Support in Copernicus Project your company gets help with insuring and making the most of those investments made in your project model. By introducing a system support the use of the project model is spread, which also results in compliance being higher.

Copernicus Project gives you an effective tool that facilitates the introduction of the project models in the operation by the function including system support for control as well as production. Furthermore, production models can be built or reused based on experiences from earlier projects. Thanks to the simplicity of making standardizations around our chosen models, work with initiating new projects is made easier.
Copernicus Project contains a standard function for connections towards electronic documentation for project models. The information becomes more accessible in day-to-day work. An example of a completed connection that exists is PPS Online from Tieto.
By connecting to the project model and those templates that your organization applies, work is simplified and you guarantee that the organization applies the stipulated project methodology. The templates can contain documents, WBS (Work-Breakdown-Structure), duration, dependences, resources, estimated time, and cost.
Copernicus Project Project Planning supports project planning that other operations are running in project-like form, for example operations, line work, resource consulting, etc.
One of the advantages of the tool is that you can use project planning already before the decision is made to carry out the project, for example when you produce a basis for a decision to start a project or in connection with quotation work.

In Copernicus Project Planning you can handle number (for example hours or pieces) as well as amount (cost and external price). For planning of hours there is a Resource List with connections towards pricing rules in Copernicus Project, which guarantees that the right price is applied when calculating. Besides time, you can also handle planning of purchases and material. With the help of working types, division can occur in different types of cost.
The Project Planning makes up the foundation for resource needs. Resource requests can be made preliminarily as well as definitively. It is possible to request on a role/competence level as well as designated resource. It is even possible to search for available resources, for example based on role/competence, department or name. When searching, available time for resources is shown.
The Project Planning module contains a number of different value types, for example Scope, Allocation, Estimate, Planning, Reporting, and Forecast.
When you build a project plan you can choose to use the graphic WBS-tool where you can easily draw the project into the desired structure. It is also possible to go directly to Schedule or Resource Usage and build the project plan. The contents of the organization’s WBS-structure can be configured and for example, correspond to plan, work package, activities, milestones, and goods delivery.
The Project Planning has built-in version handling. This makes it possible to save a ‘baseline’ of the project plan for latter comparison.
Copernicus Project Project Planning contains, among other things, the following functions:
- WBS-tool
- Schedule (Gantt-view)
- Document Management
- Resource Usage
- Resource List
- Purchase List
- Graphs
Project Control
When a project has started you are able to continuously follow up the project and control it from the Copernicus Project Project Planning. From the start you can obtain ‘early warnings’ and with this have the ability to manage to do something about the problem before it is too late.
With the help of the connection towards the organizations project model you can see what phase the project is in, compared to the status of the activities. It provides for example a quick survey of whether the activities are on the way to being pushed up to the next phase. Project members can report estimated remaining time as well as estimated completion. With this option the project manager can get faster feedback when an activity is on its way to stretching out in time.
Copernicus Project has several possibilities for following up actual reported time and the costs of the project. The project manager sees the actual reported time and the costs of the project, work packages, and activities. The project manager always has an updated forecast, in hours as well as in money. The forecast is based upon reported time and costs up to the indicated cut-off date, as well as the remaining planning time and costs. The cut-off date can be the day’s date or it can be set to an earlier date.
You can reschedule directly in the Gantt-chart and take out a new version of a plan. Requests about resources can be made as necessary where you can also see what resources are available.
It is possible to overview and print status reports on the project. Status reports in turn make up the basis of the Project Portfolio.