Pre-configured interface for successful integration with ERP and Payroll systems!
With Copernicus Project Connect you can integrate your installation with your Financial and Payroll system. This means you obtain an optimized system solution which requires minimal manual imposition of hands and where data is only registered once.
Copernicus Project Connect is supplied with two partial functions – one function for integration with the Financial system and one for integration with the Payroll system. The common link for both parts is that they are based on the same interface.
The integration with the Financial system works in two ways, import and export. It can import register care from the economy system, for example the code plan, customer file or co-worker file. You can also import project attributed costs, for example supplier’s invoices or bookkeeping orders. The Integration can also export register care, for example the project file. It can also export invoice entries to an external accounts receivable ledger, with the accompanying coding. The integration can even export other coding, for example estimation of the on-going work or internal charging.
Integration with the Payroll system sends discrepancies for reported time, that is absence and overtime for monthly salaried personnel and working time for personnel that are paid by the hour. There is even an interface for exporting time expense reports and expenses.
Copernicus Project Connect is used with integration with most of the market’s bigger Financial and Payroll systems.